How Long Does Cooked Tofu Last? – The Right Storage for Tofu

How Long Does Cooked Tofu Last - No expiration date - no problem

Nobody wants to waste food. As much as possible, I need to know how to store and save them from spoilage. How long does cooked tofu last? I have plenty of leftovers from last night’s party.

I know that there are different ways on how to store certain food and the right place to store them. I am not yet familiar with tofu. Hence, with a little bit of research and tips from the experts, I got the answers.

How long does cooked tofu last?

All food expires. Though the length of time before they go bad differs, eventually, they will spoil. There are different factors to consider which determine how long  it can last after you cook it. To find out, we must learn the importance of them

Tofu is solid white blocks of condensed soya milk. Just to give an idea, unopened raw lasts for about 4 days after its selling date and an average of 2-3 days when opened. So, how about the cooked tofu? How long does it last?

Cooked food last longer than raw ones. Hence, I recommend cooking it slightly (brown it), draining the liquids out of it, and store in an appropriate container. It will extend the shelf life into another 4-5 days. Although others testify that it last longer up to a week, I rather stick to my 4-5 days to be on the safe side. I don’t like to gamble when it comes to health.

How to store cooked tofu the right way?

How long cooked tofu last really depends on how you store it. Taking note of a tofu’s shelf life is essential. I often store leftovers especially when I cook recipes that only need a small amount for an ingredient. When this happens, I find ways to keep them and save them for later.

Storing tofu depends on how long you want to keep them. You can choose to store it either in a fridge or in the freezer.

Storing cooked tofu in the fridge

If you plan to use or eat your cooked tofu in a few days, the best storage place is in the fridge. Cooked will last for 4-5 days in the fridge.

Just make sure to place it in a covered container and separate the sauce if there is. If you store it cooked with its sauce in it, it will no longer be crispy after.

Although refrigerated and cooked it lasts longer than not, it is not an assurance that it will look the same way after heating. What do I do to give it a fresh look and taste? I fry or toast them.

Fried can go well with almost any stir-fry recipe. Add it up to another recipe, or simply heat it up. It never fails!

Storing cooked tofu in the freezer

Certain tofu recipes can be stored in a freezer like soup. Freezing makes the color and texture change. Ice crystals form when frozen. The taste will also be a little bit different.

If you have not tried it yet, I recommend experimenting by freezing a small batch first, then finding out what it tastes like. If it’s good enough for you, go ahead with the method. Many like their frozen tofu. I’m sure you’ll like it as well.

Storing Cooked Tofu In The Freezer

Just remember that when storing, you need to:

  • Use a container with a cover to prevent air from entering.
  • Store them separately in small batches. At least, it’s easy when you only need to eat a small portion of it. Opening the container will allow air to enter. Air will hasten the spoilage of the food.
  • You can only store it once. Refrigerated food deteriorates faster when exposed to air and heat. I recommend consuming all of it after storing it.
  • Google PlayThoroughly inspect your tofu before eating. If not properly stored, food can spoil quicker than expected.
  • Google PlayLet the dish cool down first before placing it in a container. Refrigerate it right away.

Read more: How to Reheat Lasagna in 3 Simple Ways?

How to know if it is bad?

Safety is the reason why we need to stick to the 4-5 days storing period. Therefore, issues like the grace periods after expiry dates are not tolerable for me. As best as I could, I try to inspect the food before I throw it away. At least, it lessens the amount of waste. On the other hand, paying attention to expiry dates is a good way.

So, how do I know if tofu is bad?

  • Trust your sense of smell: The first judge, if the food is already bad, is its smell. I know that for some, tofu has that weird bad smell. The distinctive odor of a foul smell (strong sour smell) of rotting food is familiar. Can you tell?
  • Visuals: Rotted, it can look curdled, flimsy and watery. Worse is, when you can see molds growing on them. Definitely, it is already spoiled.
  • Taste: I really hopes that you will trust your nose and your eyes when it comes to this. Tasting it is the last resort for me. Do you know how does it taste like when rotten? Well, absolutely it will be sour, bitter and weird!

What is the best recipe that lasts longer when refrigerated?

What is the best recipe that lasts longer when refrigerated - Tofu

Tofu soups, pasta, and other recipes can be stored in the fridge. Do you know the best recipe that lasts longer when stored? Fried, of course!

In fact, frying is an excellent way to advance prep the tofu for a good recipe. It would last for days in the fridge, mixes well with any recipe and no draining is needed. Do you know that there is fried tofu in the supermarkets? Although I prefer to make one myself, it’s just an example that the frying method goes will with storing.

See also: How long does Pasta Last in the Fridge?

Tofu is a versatile and healthy food that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes. Like any perishable food, it has a limited shelf life. To make the most out of it and prevent food waste, it’s essential to know how to extend its shelf life. Here are some tips for extending the shelf life:

  • Proper Storage: Proper storage is the key to extending the shelf life. It should always be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in the original packaging. If the original packaging is opened, it’s best to transfer the tofu to an airtight container with a paper towel or cloth to absorb any excess moisture.
  • Temperature Control: It’s important to keep the temperature in your refrigerator consistent. You should store it at a temperature between 32°F to 41°F (0°C to 5°C). Any temperature above this range can cause it to spoil faster.
  • Use it quickly: Unlike some other foods, it does not get better with age. The longer it sits in your refrigerator, the more its quality will degrade. It’s best to use it within 3-5 days of purchase.
  • Freeze it: Freezing tofu can extend its shelf life for up to six months. To freeze it , simply drain the water and wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Place it in an airtight container or freezer bag, and store it in the freezer.
  • Thaw Properly: When you’re ready to use frozen tofu, it’s important to thaw it properly. Simply transfer it to the refrigerator and let it thaw slowly overnight. Do not thaw in the microwave, as this can change its texture and flavor.
  • Cook it: Cooked lasts longer than uncooked tofu. If you have leftovers, consider cooking it and storing it in the refrigerator. It can be added to salads, sandwiches, and stir-fries.
  • Keep it dry: Excess moisture can cause it to spoil faster. To keep it dry, wrap it in a paper towel or cloth before storing it in the refrigerator. Change the paper towel or cloth every few days to absorb any excess moisture.

By following these tips, you can extend the shelf life and reduce food waste. Remember to always use your best judgment when it comes to the safety and quality of your food. If your tofu looks or smells off, it’s best to discard it and buy a fresh batch.


Storing Cooked Tofu faqs

Can I store tofu at room temperature?

No, it’s not recommended to store tofu at room temperature. Tofu is a perishable food that needs to be stored in the refrigerator or freezer to prevent spoilage and bacterial growth.

Can I freeze cooked tofu?

Yes, you can freeze cooked tofu. Freezing cooked tofu can extend its shelf life for up to 6 months. The texture and taste may change after freezing and thawing.

How do I know if my tofu has gone bad?

You can tell if tofu has gone bad by checking its appearance, smell, and texture. If it has an unusual odor, a slimy or curdled texture, or mold growing on it, it’s best to discard it and buy a fresh batch.

How long can I keep unopened tofu in the refrigerator?

Unopened tofu can last for about 4 days in the refrigerator after its sell-by date. It’s best to consume it within this period for optimal freshness and quality.

Can I store leftover tofu in the same container as its sauce?

It’s not recommended to store leftovers with its sauce in the same container. The sauce can make the tofu lose its crispiness and texture. It’s best to store them separately in covered containers.

Can I freeze tofu in its original packaging?

No, it’s not recommended to freeze tofu in its original packaging as it can affect the texture and quality of the tofu. It’s best to transfer the tofu to an airtight container or freezer bag before freezing.

Closing Thoughts

As you continue to prepare food for your family, mastering food storage will come naturally. I have been doing it for 20 years, but I admit there’s a lot more to learn. Now that you know how long cooked tofu lasts, I’m sure you will also have an idea of other food closely related to this one.

Just remember that following the right way of storing is essential to make it last longer. Do you have any suggestions on how to make it last longer? If you do, drop a comment and let’s talk about it!

Picture of Mary J. Lynch

Mary J. Lynch

As a mom of two angels, I credit myself in making meals with high concentration yet the balance of nutrition. I pay good care about the health of my family and everyone. Thus, you will find most of my recipes focus on healthy ingredients.